About Darcy Rinaldi
Darcy Rinaldi (Peknik) was an active mother, wife, friend, and community member in the Crowsnest Pass. She grew up in the Crowsnest Pass and embraced a host of activities within the community; walking her dog and cross-country skiing grew to be some of her greatest passions. On December 5th, 2007, Darcy succumbed to the darkness associated with depression and took her own life. This walk is developed with her in mind, but equally important, it was created to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining positive mental health.
About Kelly Rinaldi
Kelly Rinaldi was the son of Darcy & Randy Rinaldi. Kelly grew up in the Crowsnest Pass and was a ball of energy with many hobbies. On May 7th, 2013 Kelly ended up taking his life. This came as a shock to his family and everyone who knew him. As Kelly was a huge advocate for Darcy’s Nature Walk for Mental Wellness, and with that in mind, the Rinaldi family continues to host the annual nature walk event in his honor.
About the Nature Walk
Over the last few years, mental illnesses have received increased publicity, however there is still a heavy stigma associated with mental illnesses. Many people do not seek help when experiencing symptoms because of the shame, discrimination or unsupportive/uneducated support resources. Holding an event such as Darcy’s Nature Walk for Mental Wellness is a way of raising awareness about these illnesses and offering a venue for people to start talking about mental health issues.
All of the funds raised go towards projects associated with mental health or managing illness in the Crowsnest Pass area. Check out proceeds to see what projects past funds have contributed to. If you have any suggestions of a project where you would like to utilize a portion of the funds, please forward the ideas to cnpwalk@gmail.com